natalie jean beisner. Men and women both have so much work to do. natalie jean beisner

 Men and women both have so much work to donatalie jean beisner Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner “Divorce is a tragedy

For decades, feminists have insisted there are no significant biological differences between men &amp; women. The best criticism I've seen is this article + 90-second video by Natalie Jean Beisner. Likewise, there is no femininity without respect, reverence, appreciation of, and honor for. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Abortions do. 3 months ago. Some people lost an ancestor fighting on behalf of the north in the Civil War. Nice to meet you!”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Masturbation isn’t abortion. At the moment of fertilization, a whole, individuated, genetically-distinct living human organism with again, a UNIQUE SET OF DNA, is formed. “@Aquarius020257 @GeoAurora135 That’s not true. Don’t give up on God, yourself, or your loved ones. ConversationNatalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. No one is saying you should look like a supermodel. That was a perfect illustration of an old straight white man doing some real bullshit; you should’ve been all over that!”“the ruling, the mandate, the law etc. Liberals, stop attempting to police who “gets” an opinion certain issues, and just debate the issues. That said, thank you for your service. “I will never call a person by ‘they/them’—NEVER…You don’t have gender dysphoria. Pro-aborts can’t decide what a fetus actually is; what abortion actually is; no coherence in their pathetic “arguments”—because they. To “swindle” is “to use deception to deprive someone of money or possessions. Your wife, your husband comes first. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. 20K Followers, 1,867 Following, 610 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Natalie Beisner (@nataliejeanbeisner)Natalie Beisner. You don’t care that—unlike what the in ‘73—this small, unelected handful of (again, more diverse) people is NOT making law for the entire nation. Are vasectomies reversible? 4:10 AM · Jul 20, 2023. George Takei. That is taken care of. She’s your daughter. I supported Planned Parenthood. If your worth is determined by whether you’re wanted, how developed you are, how small you are, how “conscious” you are, etc. Natalie Jean Beisner. In many areas &amp; facets of life &amp; to many people &amp; entities, it *still* doesn’t seem to matter. Women. Not only did 1/3rd of restaurants in LA not survive, but eventually I became barred from. …” “Alex Jones telling the truth about feminism 😉” Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner If you’re not saddened by divorce, if you think it’s “no big deal,” if you think we should all leave marriages once we’re no longer “happy,” you honestly shouldn’t get married. My wife and I switched earlier this year due to all the crazyness that has taken over the democrat party, so I get it-----. …”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. errorContainer { background-color: #FFF; color: #0F1419; max-width. ”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Don’t ever let anyone tell you you don’t. I think it’s presumptuous of us to pretend to know how someone’s life is going to turn out,”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Why are we “celebrating” divorce at all. ” 😂 Times sure have changed. . com (secure)] Last Edited by Coastie Patriot on 05/13/2023 09:50 PM. Rep. Her essay Morning After Text received an Honorable Mention in WOW’s 2019 Q3 Creative Nonfiction Essay Contest. “So much THIS. Your sons can’t stop it. Y’all really out here acting like “actual human beings” and “nonexistent human beings” are scientifically coherent. He is culpable if he does not. Her work has. “Hardly any get to be gestated and born”—so that makes intentionally ending human lives who’ve already been created and otherwise would’ve been gestated and born somehow OK?Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. “@ArXilocus &amp; I’ve chosen the latter. This woman is 51 and twice divorced. There is no greater way. You say we don’t know, yet you go on blithely aborting 800,000 plus innocent lives per year? Isn’t “not knowing” reason enough to put a pause. But it was enough to start the process. Natalie Beisner recently posted a long tweet revealing to the world that she is no longer a typical left-wing Hollywood actress. Fellas: while it may be true that women gate-keep sex, you don’t need to walk through every gate just because it’s open and attractive. Thank you! I just saw this! I’m sorry it took me a minute to see it; it’s been a little intense in terms of notifications the past few days. 53K. ” Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner I’ve noticed this 👆 in my personal life, as I’ve ventured out a bit to meet like/open-minded folks over the past year or so: MANY experienced some type of shift in the past 2 years. ” #LiberalHypocrisy. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner Feminism is behind the trans agenda. That is new life; that is you reproducing. In other words: “Women are perpetual victims. This video was about my walking away from the Democrat party. One progressed into a full-out chase with running and charging at me. ”. “@GoDEEPwithVen just pick a side and believe everything they’re told, without further investigation. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Prayer ought to come BEFORE action, and it should be ceaseless. ” Turns out we do legislate morality. Middle-aged white men account for 70%. Do you ever think about how weird it is that we all say “um” and “uh” when speaking? Instead of just being silent? Goes to show how we mimic so much of what we see and hear around us—even if it. I don’t keep close tabs on him, but can anyone tell me if he’s publicly denounced this type of rhetoric? If he hasn’t denounced what he’s previously said about seducing women, “making them fall in love with [him],” sleeping with them. 10:37 PM · Mar 10, 2022 — Natalie Jean Beisner (@NJBeisner) May 8, 2023 What bothered me the most wasn’t that these people disagreed with me, or that they had different ideas on how best to handle covid or BLM unrest—what bothered me the most was that they absolutely refused to recognize I might have any honest reasons for disagreeing with them. Here’s where I’m coming from: Biology indicates life begins at fertilization. ”“Go watch What is a Woman. We have been bred and brainwashed to believe we have “rights” we don’t have—and even worse, to believe these alleged “rights” lead to our further liberation. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Leftists &amp; Democrats railing about what happened in Dobbs but not”“tweet)? Well, tonight it just strikes me as significant that—were it not for all the above—I probably would’ve been somewhere at this moment, upset over the leaked SCOTUS draft. Imagine being an American man searching in foreign nations for a wife, because you’re positive you can’t find a single woman to be your wife in the whole United States of America. ”<style> body { -ms-overflow-style: scrollbar; overflow-y: scroll; overscroll-behavior-y: none; } . It doesn’t mean neglecting your kids or the rest of the family, but the relationship between husband and wife, between mom and dad is the foundation of the rest of the family. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Evil comes in all colors, but so does goodness. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner Ladies: 2000 called, and wanted to let you know that it’s no longer “avant-garde” to be a strong, independent woman “living life on her own terms!” 🥴 Y’all act like you’re forging your own paths and breaking down barriers that ain’t even there. White American adults are more likely to end their lives than any other racial or ethnic adult group. Watch the latest. After all, I have natural immunity, which—time &amp; again—is shown to be just as effective as vaccinated immunity”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Yes, every example you all bring to me is someone who’s been tried by a jury of his peers and acquitted. Coastie Patriot SIC SEMPER TYRRANIS THE SAME PEOPLE WHO SAID NO GUNS BECAUSE OF POLICE NOW WANT TO DEFUND THE POLICE!!!!Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. This ruling was to the effect that the government can’t compel the speech of business owners whose products are both expressive and customizable. Natalie Beisner has 53 friends. Ironic coming from the pro-illegal immigrant crowd—many of whom…don’t have IDs, and yet are still very much alive and human. I was intelligent, though, and a critical thinker, so I made it out. The movement is predominately women☺️”“@lord_campana Disagree with that too. Nobody hates women more than feminists hate women. Down syndrome = God's unconditional love“life’s work. To all the “pro-choice” ppl advocating for vasectomies to prevent abortion: “A vasectomy is meant to be permanent, so it’s not the best birth control method for people who think they might want to have biological kids in the future. ” After the last 2 years, it seems to me “my body my choice” is dead. ”“@Aquarius020257 @GeoAurora135 That’s not true. Almost across the board, conservatives have a better grasp of history, of the middle/working class, of science; a stronger ability/willingness to debate; &amp; a great deal more tolerance towards differing viewpoints. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. “discrimination, of *political* science, of negating scientific curiosity &amp; the scientific method, of being coerced/cajoled/pressured/forced—were enough for. It didn’t happen in a vacuum. I’m a member of his members-only site, and I buy his coffee. We have it backwards in this country, and perhaps that’s part of the problem. Feminists—particularly 3rd and 4th wave feminists—have systematically destroyed everything it means to be a woman, and all the ways in which we are distinct from men. A human fetus—while still very much alive, shill very much human—can make no choices. But there is no option for the unborn to just not come out, had you pesky “forced birthers. “number of whites who were enslaved by the Barbary pirates in North Africa exceeded the number of Africans enslaved in the United States and in the American colonies before that—put together. I’m sorry that a fellow woman of God seems so committed to misunderstanding me. I’ve lived in Southern California my entire life and have been in LA for almost 10 years. ”If you have no problem telling me I don’t “feel black,” then you shouldn’t take issue with my telling a male he doesn’t “feel like a woman. You think we’re out to punish women—and women only. I voted for Obama, then Clinton. And “mothers have living children” is not only factually. “In that atmosphere [one where otherwise intelligent students are mismatched with the academic standards of a particular university],. — Natalie Jean Beisner (@NJBeisner) May 8, 2023. But the flip side is: they were likewise freed through the efforts of black and white people both. Venmo | Natalie Beisner. org. I walked away from the Democrat party summer 2020 when I was told I could go out and “protest” but not go to work. ”“Yet, so often, we insist on treating motherhood as an inconvenience at best, &amp;—at worst—a form of oppression. ” Setting up a system that tells women we can’t succeed unless we undergo a physically and emotionally-risky procedure to kill our own offspring, is so “safe and protective. Handing out government money (ie taxpayer money) to citizens regardless of need and just because of who their ancestors…. But I've also heard much criticism about him. ” I present ideas and arguments in an engaging way. No one alive in the US today deserves reparations for slavery. I’ve put my opinions out there online, in as many places as I can, with my name &amp; face attached. . Layla Jane and Chloe Cole are both currently suing Kaiser Permanente for removing their healthy breasts at ages 13 and 15 respectively. You can also browse other available content for Natalie Beisner on. The argument for “bodily autonomy” is dead on arrival. Found. Being single and 51 but. Divorce shouldn’t be celebrated at all—except perhaps in the case of emancipating yourself from abuse, but even then, it’s a tragedy all around. ” And now they’re mad that men can “become” women and call it “gender-affirming care. I couldn’t wait to vote against the ban on gay marriage. Nobody hates women more than feminists hate women. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. The left hated this. “things are possible. ”Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. I’m sorry for your experience. ”“There is evidence that [Clinton and her colleagues] were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly-classified information…Although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of. I speak facts, common sense, and logic. You’re gonna need a better argument besides “mind your own beeswax. “I want my side to win, but I want it to be the right way, with justice served, as peaceably as possible, &amp; done by We the People. Natalie Beisner from United States is on #WalkAway Social. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner “Hardly any of them get to be conceived”—yet this ONE was. ”“Over the past 2 years, after walking away from the Democrat party in 2020, I gradually &amp; accidentally became a conservative Christian. Quote Tweet. I never said never. Identity politics is the weapon of hypocrites &amp; terrorists. Natalie Beisner is known for The Tempest, All for Love: HopScotch (2015) and Hard Pack (2016). &amp; I’m glad I’m not”“@ArXilocus This is literally a full-time hobby 🙃”I watched “They Live” for the first time last night (I know, I know), and I can’t get over how one of the things “they” propagandized to humans was “get married and reproduce. 218 likes · 27 talking about this. It’s only when you disagree with what’s happened, that you stumble once again on your precious identity politics. Women have been living as men for years—denying and controlling our biology. Click to expand. 0:26. We don’t kill other human beings because of their level of development. Her background in classical dance and modeling eventually led to a career in film and TV. You're a bad person, Natalie. Marriage isn’t the issue—no-fault divorce is; our degenerate and godless culture is. ***. Profile Info ; 53 Friends 5 Followers 5; 1 Photos 1; All Photos. Her main point is that Tate's masculinity is worn by him like a costume. We don’t kill other human beings because of their level of. “Help request &amp; Follow up on my request from the other day: LA county citizens who’d like to man the polls are required to have the shot. ” Natalie Jean was born on April 18th in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Natalie Beisner from United States is on #WalkAway Social. I don’t know what a view limit is (views for videos? Tweets? What’s the limit? Why are we complaining?). K. ” Even as you yourselves condemn. This weird social ritual is not inclusive to folks from certain countries, background, beliefs, languages, or generations. President Biden referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as “Vladimir” on Wednesday, apparently confusing him with Russian leader and US and Ukrainian adversary Vladimir Putin. She does not abjure her rough magic. I am SHOCKED at how many folks do not know—or refuse to acknowledge—that a human fetus is both alive and human. ”. Why do I have to repeat myself on here? First off, vasectomies do not terminate a genetically-distinct, individuated, innocent human life. To act as if white folks were the only…” Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. We do not even have the right to have our STIs and STDs expunged. — Natalie Jean Beisner (@NJBeisner) May 8, 2023. app | Natalie Beisner. Natalie Beisner . Not just “can”—must. I couldn’t wait to vote against the ban on gay marriage. This—and more—absolutely happened. I voted for Obama, then Clinton. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. “-brief time, little ones; there are no “likes”—but there is love)—there is no life’s work that can or will ever come close. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. All Time This Month This Week Today. He didn’t choose to engage in any act. ””Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner “Divorce is a tragedy. Yes, because abortion makes women “so safe and respected. It is. It’s exhausting, time-consuming, &amp; I don’t get paid. TheLibertyDaily. If you’re not saddened by divorce, if you think it’s “no big deal,” if you think we should all leave marriages once we’re no longer “happy,” you honestly shouldn’t get married. Thomas Sowell explains how affirmative action policies end up harming the very folks they were allegedly put in place to help. After all, a man can control where he ejaculates; a woman. Top topic: what an honest judicial oath would sound like if it revealed the real reason judges get picked. “distance while every other volunteer isn’t, surely there should be some reasonable accommodations required, no? Again, this is just to man the polls in LA county for ALL elections; they’re denying unvxxd ppl/those who won’t show they’re papers. Are you just going to keep tweeting out opinion pieces that support your cowardice and ignorance? You disregarded facts throughout the entirety of the pandemic, and disregard them. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Natalie Jean Beisner @NJBeisner. Andrew Tate has a lot of important things to say. The reality is that—once pregnant—a mother has to have her offspring come out one way or the other—either via birth or abortion. “more out of reach—a young woman who initially &amp; reflexively wanted abortion, ending up with twin “babies she loves more than anything else in the world.